
We love Sonoma Country and we love motoring around the Valley on our scooters. Our site is about connecting with others who love seeing the beauty and diversity of the area from the seat of a scooter.

For those of you who want to tread lightly, have fun and enjoy camaraderie with like-minded scooter heads, we invite you to join our group. We share good times through our rides and include news from the scooter world through our blog posts. We are all about being mobile, a bit trendy and a lot of fun.

With the sense of freedom that comes from riding lightweight, quiet motor scooters also come adventures. Join us for updates and stories of our adventures. We are an easy- as-she-goes group that keeps to the back roads where picnics and wine tasting are easily a part of a Sunday afternoon. Or . . .

We do the pub crawls around town. The only requirement is to be safe and have a good time. Other activities may include, getting several of us together – do a stint at the homeless shelter volunteering with different tasks and then moto over to the Crab Claw or the Winged Chicken for lunch. Several of us deliver meals on wheels every Tuesday and Thursday to those who can’t leave their homes, then meet for pizza at Emilio’s or burgers at the Buffalo Rose.

We review different makes and models of scooters – old and new. We keep you informed of the latest accessories and snappy gear trends. We scout out scooter friendly trails and lazy lanes through Sonoma County along with the best city routes to the happenings around town. We are just plain cool. Maybe a bit nerdy, but cool nonetheless.

Join us even if you are simply a wanna-be and don’t own a scooter. We appreciate your readership. We are a small group and we are growing in number that includes readers and riders alike. Thank you for being a part of our socoscoot family – come ride with us!

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